yaaas queen, slay!
Welcome To The YAAAS Squad!
Tell Me More, Tell Me More


takin' care of business (every day)

Team Contract

Rules help control the fun!

Lab 1


Milestone 1

Sensor Integration

Lab 2

Analog Circuitry & FFT

Milestone 2

Wall Following & IR Detection

Lab 3

Wireless Communication

Lab 4

FPGA and Shape Detection

Milestone 3

Path Planning Algorithm

Milestone 4

Treasure Detection


Autonomous Weapons

Final Robot Design


Robot Costs

List of Parts


See how team YAAAS developed their project over time

  • Late August

    Our Humble Beginnings

    Built a simple robot with a portable 9V battery and two servo motors.

    Top speed of 40 cm/s

  • Early September

    Infrared Sensors and Analog Filters

    Successfully implemented Line following using IR sensors to detect different color thresholds of the terrain

    Used IR phototransistor to detect particular IR frequencies emitted from other robots to avoid collision; used Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm and digital and analog filters.

  • Late September

    Audio Detection

    Used active bandpass filter to detect 660 Hz audio signal from microphone. Achieved Bandwidth of 70 Hz.

  • Early October

    Multiple IR distance sensors

    Incorporated 3 IR distance sensors to detect walls in 3 directions; allowed the robot to randomly navigate an arbitrary maze.

    During navigation, robot could successfully avoid obstacles based on their IR signatures.

  • Late October

    Wireless Radio Communication

    Incorporated radio transmitter onto the robot to communicate real-time,local maze information to nearby receiver.

    Data was transmitted using string characters. Information transmitted included presence of walls.

  • Early November

    Camera and FPGA processing

    Incorporated camera to detect different colors and shapes on the walls. Used I2C Communication protocol for communication between camera and Arduino.

    Used Verilog to develop image processing module to decode information from camera. Implemented parallel communication between FPGA and camera.

  • Late November

    Intelligent Path Planning

    Implemented Iterative Depth Search Algorithm to efficiently navigate the maze.

    Information transmitted included presence of walls, colors and shapes of wall treasures.

  • Wow


Catch us in Phillips Hall 24/7/365

Adeel Mahmood


Alex Li


Sheila Balu

Head of Fun Committee

Yixiao Zhang

Russian Hacker

Alvin Pan

Strictly Business

Reference Links

whoop di scoop.

GitHub Repository

Click here to go to GitHub.

ECE 3400 Website

Our robot is obviously the best, but here are some less awesome ones.

Competition Video

We came in first!